Monday, August 20, 2012

Asange: Hero or rapist?

In 1972 Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstien became national journalistic heroes, by digging deep, finding the truth about what’s going on behind closed government doors, and obtaining documents labeled as classified. They made a movie about them, gave them a Pulitzer prize, and they were generally perceived as the greatest most inspirational journalists in history.

In 2008 and 20010 Julian Asange released information about government cover ups and corruption relating to the 9/11 attacks, Iraq, banking irregularities, Afghanistan and more. He is currently hiding out, facing extradition from a variety of sources, is branded a criminal by the banks, the US and England, and is seen by many as a villain.

What the fuck has happened to us. One of the greatest heroic acts of the 21st century, and he’s fighting for his life. And yes, I believe he is likely to end up dead if one of these governments gets ahold of him.

Fox news gets a press seat up front, and Julian Asange, the last living REPORTER, is hiding out in a foreign country fearing for his life. This is beyond fucked up. Someone finally brings us the truth, and very few hail his name with the credit he does deserve. He does deserve acclaim, even if he also deserves to be executed and strung up by his balls for unrelated crimes.

Because the rape charges are at issue but Government conspiracies do run deep. Is this all a ploy by governments to get him where they want them, or is this a legitimate cry for justice. It’s hard to know the truth, and the one man who has strived to bring us the truth, is involved and suspect, and I have not heard any reporters really bringing home the truth, or thoroughly investigating, because apparently doing that in modern times, is a crime. Asange has made a lot of people very unhappy by doing just that.

Did Woodward and Bernstein have similar fears? Did they think one of them was going to wake up in a dungeon never to see the light of day again? I would love to hear their impressions now about the situation. 

The only thing that REALLY gives me pause, is that It is the Swiss government, which takes women’s rights very seriously, and usually stays out of international politics. That gives it some credibility. But no one has issued assurance that he would not then be extradited to the us, where Bradley Manning has been locked up for 800 days with no trial for the same “crime”. What’s the answer? Someone needs to have a trial based on Swedish law, without risking being biased by the fact that he is considered a hero by many people and a villain by many governments.

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